Cantiere Navale dell'Argentario
Locality Valle, 58019 Porto Santo Stefano
Monte Argentario (GR) Italy
coordinates GPS N 42° 26’ 04’’ – E 11° 07’ 24’’
Phone: +39 0564812975
Fax: +39 0564817202
By road: Rome (2 hours), Pisa (2 hours), Genova (3 1/2 hours), Milan (4 3/4 hours), Montecarlo (5 1/2 hours).
By train: Orbetello - Monte Argentario Station (2 hours from Pisa and Rome), then the bus to Porto Santo Stefano.
By plane: Leonardo da Vinci International Airport, Fiumicino (1 3/4 hours); Pisa International Airport (2 hours).